DigTix Launch and Release Notes: v2.15 (Interactive Voice Alerts, Teams, Ticket Assignment Rule Scheduling and Escalation, Incident Excel Export)

Posted about 1 year ago by John Gayness

John Gayness Admin

NOTE: This article describes DigTix features at the time of the associated release. Subsequent updates may make parts of this article obsolete and/or out of date.

Interactive Voice Alerts 


The highly requested interactive voice alerts feature is here! Ticket alerts now support a new alert type "Call and Text".



Figure 1: Ticket Alert Window


When alert conditions are met, the user will receive an automated voice message (in addition to a text message) notifying them of why they are being alerted. The phone call will ask the user to "press any number" to acknowledge the alert. If the user does not answer the phone call or does not acknowledge the alert, they will receive another phone call, once per minute, up to three times. 


A sample message may say "This is an automated message from DigTix. Ticket 1234567890 has been assigned to you. The ticket is an emergency. Please press any number to acknowledge, or press star to repeat this message." If there are multiple alerts, they will be combined into a single call e.g. "This is an automated message from DigTix. 3 tickets have been assigned to you. 2 of these tickets are emergencies. Please press any number to acknowledge, or press star to repeat this message.".


If an escalation user is specified on the assignment rule schedule (see "Ticket Assignment Rule Scheduling and Escalation" below) and the original voice alert is not acknowledged after three attempts, the escalation user will receive a phone call notifying them of the alert that failed to be acknowledged.


As with all DigTix responses and alerts, the log of voice alerts can be viewed in the "Responses / Alerts" tab of the ticket window.



Figure 2: Ticket Response Window


Teams (and Team Productivity)


Users may now be defined as belonging to a team. 



Figure 3: User Window


A new category of quick filter allows managers to quickly view due date performance and navigate from team to team.



Figure 4: Assigned Team Dropdown 


The "Productivity" report can now be aggregated by team instead of individual locators by selecting the "Team Closeouts" report type. This allows managers to see which teams are over- or under-performing.



Figure 5: Productivity Report




Figure 6: Team Closeout Report


Incident Excel Export


Create your own incident reports via the new Excel (CSV) export feature. This feature operates just like the Excel export feature for locate requests: toggle the desired columns, apply the desired filters / sorts, and click the Excel export button to immediately download incident data into an Excel CSV file.



Figure 7: Export to Excel icon


Ticket Assignment Rule Scheduling and Escalation


Ticket assignment can now be scheduled into the future. The upcoming assignment schedule is displayed in the "Ticket Assignment" section of the Administration panel. Redassignment entries are currently active, black assignment entries are scheduled for the future.



Figure 8: Rule Schedules


Assignment schedules can be defined by opening the assignment rule and creating, editing, or deleting entries in the "Users" section towards the bottom of the window. There is no limit to how far you can define an assignment schedule.




Figure 9: Ticket Assignment Rule Window


If desired, a separate user can be defined for escalation of interactive voice assignment alerts. If the user being alerted does not acknowledge a voice assignment alert after three placed calls, a call is placed to the escalation user. This is especially useful for defining on-call managers for after hours emergencies.




Figure 10: Escalation 


NOTE: Ticket assignment scheduling and escalation are optional. Existing assignment rules will not be affected by this update.


Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes


The following improvements and fixes are part of this release:

  • Further improvements to offline file uploads.

  • Added photo attachment thumbnails to incident report.

  • Added "Facility Owner" aggregation option to "Work By Due Date" report.

  • Users can now successfully log out without clocking out.

  • Increased default width of history "Details" column.

  • Added map zoom constraint for infrastructure display for increased performance.

  • Fixed issue involving sorting of users by user type (and other fields).

  • Fixed issue involving attachment paging not being reset appropriately.

  • Fixed issue related to users taking photos very quickly.

  • Fixed issues involving scrolling custom forms on smaller screen sizes.


If you'd like to learn more about a feature or improvement, please let us know. As always, our team is looking forward to hearing your feedback and ideas. We have more exciting new features included in our upcoming releases!

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