DigTix Launch and Release Notes: v2.16 (Custom Forms v2 and Integrated Dashboard)

Posted about 1 year ago by John Gayness

John Gayness Admin

NOTE: This article describes DigTix features at the time of the associated release. Subsequent updates may make parts of this article obsolete and/or out of date.

Custom Forms v2


The highly requested improvements for the DigTix custom forms system have arrived. These improvements are built on top of DigTix's existing custom form system. This system allows organizations to define any number of form types, each supporting up to 64 definable fields and validation constraints. 


A new "Forms" tab is displayed on the Tickets page. This tab allows users to view, interact with, and export custom form data quickly and easily. Select the desired form type from the top drop down menu and forms of that type are loaded in a grid. 



 Figure 1: Forms Page

Much like the other grids within DigTix, custom form grid fields can be filtered, sorted, hidden, and reordered. Double clicking on a custom form entry will open the form for editing. Clicking on the magnifying glass icon to the left will open the custom form PDF report.


Finally, click on the "Export to Excel" button at the bottom of the grid to export the custom form data to Excel for further analysis and distribution.


In the screenshot above, a "Pipeline Crossing Form" has been selected. This is just one example of almost infinite possibilities. Other examples of custom forms used within DigTix include, but are not limited to, Pre/Post Excavation Leak Detection Survey Results, No-Call Excavation Reports, and Utility Locate Audits. If your organization could benefit from logging custom information within DigTix, reach out and let us know!



Integrated Dashboard


You speak, DigTix listens! After several requests, a new "Dashboard" tab is displayed on the Tickets page. The dashboard provides an easily digested view of current work loads and performance. Colored cells immediately draw attention to potential issues. Clicking on a cell will load the tickets associated with that metric.


The dashboard automatically refreshes every 5 minutes. It has been designed for use in a "war room" fashion - leave the dashboard up on a large screen TV in a shared office room for everyone to view and monitor.




Figure 2: Integrated Dashboard

The dashboard is accessible to users who are not marked as "Is Field User" on their user profile. Only data accessible to the user is included on the dashboard.


We've already collected many ideas on how to further improve the dashboard, which we will be releasing in upcoming versions of DigTix. If you have any ideas of your own, let us know!



Miscellaneous Improvements and Fixes


The following improvements and fixes are part of this release:

  • The update of completed work is now governed by "manager line". A manager may update the completed work of any of their subordinates. Previous to this release, only users with user type of "Administrator" could update closed work.

  • Fixed vertical scrolling issue on incident window.

  • Several performance improvements and minor bug fixes.

If you'd like to learn more about a feature or improvement, please let us know. As always, our team is looking forward to hearing your feedback and ideas. We have more exciting new features included in our upcoming releases!

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