DigTix v2.24 Release Notes (Excavator Risk, Ticket Risk, Dispatch UI, and More!)

Posted about 1 year ago by John Gayness

John Gayness Admin



Incident root causes may now be defined and managed by users who have permissions to do so. By default, Administrators are able to create, modify, and remove root causes at their discretion. Each root cause has a responsible party tied to it. The defined root causes may be selected during incident investigation as the reason the incident occurred.

Figure 1: Configuration of Incident Root Causes

NOTE: All of the root causes currently defined on your DigTix system will continue to be available to you just as they always have been. DigTix v2.24 simply provides you the ability to modify them or create new ones, if desired.



DigTix v2.24 introduces the automatic calculation of risk scores for excavators and tickets. Many factors are considered to determine associated risk. For example, when it is determined an excavator is responsible for the root cause of an incident, DigTix updates the risk score for that excavation company and considers the excavator's new risk for locate requests submitted by that excavation company.

DigTix users have the option to override automatic risk scores calculated by DigTix to provide a fully customizable risk plan for any organization.

NOTE: Upcoming DigTix releases will include several improvements and new capabilities focused around ticket risk management. Stay tuned for much more!

Figure 2: Automatic Excavator Risk Scoring with Override Option

We've included separate documentation on risk scores in our Support and Knowledge Base Portal. You can view this document directly by clicking here.



DigTix users may now be classified as a "dispatcher". Dispatcher users have access to a set of capabilities which provide fast and easy review of locate requests to determine whether a locate request should be dispatched to the field or not.

NOTE: Dispatching features are optional and activated on a per-user basis for organizations which perform office screening and dispatch to the field.

Figure 3: Dispatch Interface for Dispatcher Users

We've included separate documentation on dispatching in our Support and Knowledge Base Portal. You can view this document directly by clicking here.



Several enhancements have been added to the new Follow Ups system introduced in our previous DigTix release (v2.23). These include:

  1. The addition of a "Follow Ups" column on the locate requests grid. This column displays which follow up(s) have been triggered for each locate request.
  2. The addition of scheduled start and end time fields for damage prevention specialists to prioritize and plan their work day.
  3. If an additional follow up is required at a later time, users may now trigger another follow up directly from the follow ups window.
  4. The ability to color follow ups by status on the map and grid. This works very similarly to the "Color By" option provided on the "Locates" page.

For more information on these improvements, please refer to the updated follow ups documentation in our Support and Knowledge Base Portal. You can view this document directly by clicking here.



It is now possible to create a locate request from the excavator and excavator contact window by clicking on the "Create Ticket" button. The ticket creation form will be auto-populated with the excavation company and contact information. This is particularly useful for creating private locate requests or "no call" tickets.

Figure 4: Creating a Locate Request via Excavator Window

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