DigTix v2.25 Release Notes (Incident / Follow Up Auto Assignments, Risk Score / Follow Up Improvements, Selective Filtering and More!)

Posted about 1 year ago by John Gayness

John Gayness Admin


Further improvements to the self-learning predictive risk model are included in v2.25. Risk scores may now be visualized categorically and by color. A new "Risk" option has been added to the "Color By" drop down. Selecting this option will color each ticket in the grid and on the map by the risk associated to the job by DigTix's predictive risk model.

Figure 1: Coloring Tickets by Risk


The risk score associated with each job is displayed within the ticket list and displayed to the locator in the field on the ticket window. Risk scores range from 0 (low) to 100 (critical).

Figure 2: Ticket Risk Scores

Risk scores may be overridden on a case by case basis in the "Risk Score Override" field if extraordinary circumstances are identified.

NOTE: DigTix's predictive risk score model is constantly improving. Stay tuned for more exciting improvements in upcoming releases!

We've included separate documentation on risk scores in our Support and Knowledge Base Portal. You can view this document directly by clicking here.


The automatic assignment of new and dispatched incidents and follow ups may now be managed through the "Ticket Assignment" section of the Administration page. Four new rule sets have been added to the ticket assignment page:

  1. Received Incidents: This rule set is used when new incidents are created within DigTix.
  2. Dispatched Incidents: This rule set is used when incidents are dispatched within DigTix.
  3. Received Ticket Follow-ups: This rule set is used when new follow ups are created within DigTix. Each follow up type has its own received rule set.
  4. Dispatched Ticket Follow-ups: This rule set is used when new follow ups are dispatched within DigTix. Each follow up type has its own dispatch rule set.

These new rule sets operate in the same manner as the existing "Received Locates" and "Dispatched Locates" rule sets operate for locate requests. Setting up assignment rules for incidents and follow-ups can further automate the distribution and completion of work loads within DigTix.

Figure 3: Viewing Additional Follow Ups


Users may now view other follow ups which exist for the associated locate request. This is useful for situations where multiple site visits are needed or multiple follow up types are required. For example, a utility locate audit and a patrol for a high risk ticket which requires multiple days of site visits and monitoring.

Figure 4: Viewing Additional Follow Ups

When an additional follow up is needed, it can be easily created and scheduled by selecting the follow up type, then choosing the scheduled start time of the additional follow up.

Figure 5: Creating and Scheduling Additional Follow Ups

We've included separate documentation on follow ups in our Support and Knowledge Base Portal. You can view this document directly by clicking here.


Users may now filter specific locate requests by selecting which tickets they would like to filter and then clicking the "Filter selected tickets" button, which looks like a checkmark accompanied by a funnel. This is especially useful for identifying and focusing on the jobs you'd like to complete next. Filtered tickets appear by themselves in both the grid and map for easy route planning.

Figure 6: Selecting and Filtering Specific Tickets


  • Added ability to create a new Excavator directly from the Excavators page.
  • Locate requests now support up to 32 custom fields (increased from 20).
  • Locate requests now support new custom field types:
    • Single-selection combo box.
    • Multi-selection combo box.
    • Date pickers.
  • Added new columns to Follow Ups grid:
    • Ticket Assigned User
    • Ticket Risk
  • Added new columns to Custom Forms grid:
    • Work Type
    • City
    • Street
    • Excavator
  • Miscellaneous minor improvements and bug fixes.

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